How to Store a Vehicle in Saco, ME

May 31, 2024
Sporty Vehicle ready for self-storage

How to store a vehicle in Saco, ME, whether new, used, or antique, can be a painless process. How to store an automobile successfully begins with what you do before you take it to a self-storage facility. There are several steps you can take to guarantee a good storage experience. Next comes choosing the best self-storage facility in Saco, ME for your vehicle. Most importantly, check the security of the self-storage facility. Do they have the features you need to feel secure storing there? In other words, will you have peace of mind storing your vehicle with the facility? Lastly, what to do when you arrive at your self-storage unit in Saco, ME for a great long-term storage experience. Once all these steps are completed storing a vehicle will be easy.

First steps to store a vehicle

One might argue that finding a self-storage unit might be the first step. Instead, the first step should be the preparation of the vehicle. First, ask yourself if this is for long-term or short-term storage. The steps will be different depending on the answer. Most steps will be the same so we will look at that first.

Primarily, clean your vehicle. The outside should be washed and waxed if needed. The inside should be vacuumed, private property removed, and the seats cleaned. A clean automobile will have less chance of mold or mildew developing during storage. The next step is to schedule an appointment with a mechanic. Let them know the automobile will be going into storage and needs tires, battery, and all fluids checked. If you want to save a little money you can do this yourself.

For long-term storage, all the steps above will remain the same. The other requirement is jack stands. To prevent flat spots on the tires, use jack stands and remove the tires. This one simple step will save money.

Second Steps to Store an Automobile

Start looking for a reputable self-storage facility in Saco, ME as soon as possible. If you live elsewhere, find a location close to you that has the security features you want. Call around and ask the important questions before deciding on a self-storage unit. Listed below are some questions needed to find a place.

  1. May I store my vehicle at your facility?
  2. Are there any specific requirements to store a vehicle there?
  3. What is the price per month?
  4. What types of security features are at the facility?
  5. Are there rodent control methods in place?
  6. If you are into technology, do they have any to help you monitor your unit?
  7. Do I have 24/7 access, or do I have limited access hours?
  8. Are there administrative fees or other fees to rent a unit?
  9. Is insurance required?
  10. Is it a month-to-month rental or a set period?

The answers will help you find the perfect place to store your automobile.

Note: With the ever-growing realm of technology more advanced features are becoming available. Self-storage facilities that embrace this technology may cost a little more than the ones that do not advance. Security is peace of mind.

Final Step in Storing a Vehicle

After deciding on a self-storage unit, it is time to store the automobile. First, be sure to have a ride back to your home after storing your vehicle. Next, gather all the necessary tools. If you are removing the battery, check the manufacturer’s suggestion. In newer automobiles, it is not recommended to remove the battery. On the way to the storage facility stop and fill the gas tank and add a can of Sta-Bil Storage Fuel additive. This will protect the fuel from breaking down during storage. Sta-Bil will stabilize fuel for up to 2 years. Then bring the vehicle to the storage facility.

For short-term storage, typically a month or two, you can drive it into the unit, and complete the task in four steps. First, crack the windows a little. Next, remove any private property. Then as an added protection from rodents, use strong-smelling dryer sheets throughout the vehicle. The sheets can be put in the engine compartment as well. As an alternative use Grampa Gus’s natural Mouse Repellent Pouches. Never use mothballs, the smell will soak into the fabric of your car and affect other tenants at the facility. Next, satisfy the vehicle requirements for the self-storage facility you chose. Lastly, take your keys and close the storage unit.

For long-term storage, the steps are more involved. Still do all the steps for short-term storage. Additionally, you will want to remove the tires after installing the jack stands, remove the battery, and use a vehicle cover. If using a vehicle cover, be sure the automobile and cover are thoroughly dry.

Now that the automobile is in storage should you do anything else? There is another step that most people overlook when storing a vehicle long-term. This step is a simple trip to the facility to check on the automobile, airing out the unit will help prevent mold or mildew, and to lubricate the lock you have on the storage unit. All these will help make an easy, trouble-free removal when the time comes.

To store a vehicle, whether short or long-term requires some work. Most of the steps in short-term storage are in the preparation of the automobile before storage. Long-term storage requires a little more effort on the day it goes into storage. Finding the best self-storage unit in Saco, ME, or near you is critical to having peace of mind during vehicle or automobile storage. Once in storage, know that the prep work done will be effective in protecting your automobile.